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June 8, 2020

Affiliation with CrossFit


Over the weekend the CEO and Founder of CrossFit, Greg Glassman, posted a series of tweets and emails that were insensitive and tone-deaf to the current #blacklivesmatter movement. Like Water CrossFit does not condone any of the remarks made and do not feel they properly represent our gym’s values. We support unity and the pursuit to eliminate societal racism; not actions or comments that are divisive or impede on that goal.

With that, we do believe in the results of the methodology of CrossFit and its ability to lift each other up. We love the community CrossFit has helped us build and every member in it. This puts us in a very difficult position. How can we support the divisive comments of a leader of a brand that prides itself on being inclusive? We aren’t sure of that answer yet. While many other brands and gyms are separating themselves, or unaffiliating, we are choosing to wait and see what happens with the leadership of CrossFit HQ. If there is no clear resolution, we will likely unaffiliate from the CrossFit brand.

What we DO know is that we will continue to work hard and provide you with coaching that gets you the results you deserve, in an inclusive environment that everyone has the right to. We also know that cannot happen without action. We challenge you to call out any behavior that is opposite of that mission, inside the gym and out.

Racism will not end without action. You must step up against it. While it’s not the most comfortable situation to be in, our members should, by now, be comfortable with the uncomfortable. We are in this together.


Like Water CrossFit

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